Adam Lefkoe’s Words of Wisdom

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Remember that awesome RapCast from a few weeks ago that went viral?? And the WrestleCast? And the SeinfeldCast?

Well, that guy spoke in my class today- Adam Lefkoe of Louisville’s own WHAS11.

He didn’t try to fluff anything or tell us what we hear all the time. He gave it to us straight up. Here are the 5 main lessons pertaining to social media that he shared with us and my expansions on them:

1. Don’t be afraid to respond to the negative comments.

  • The beautiful part about social media is that it gives the creator a chance to explain themselves instantaneously. If you confront people’s opinions, they will most likely understand your point of view and be thankful you took the time to listen and respond to them. It makes you real.

2. Don’t stare at success.

  • Be perpetually thinking of the next step. One-hit wonders stare at success. Some of them are just plain bad and that’s why they only get one shot at fame. But others bask in their glory too long and forget to look ahead. Don’t be consumed by your successes. Think longevity.

3. Don’t consume, CREATE.

  • Sharing is caring? Perhaps. Avid social media users share everything: Buzzfeed lists, tweets, videos, infographics, blog posts. Google, copy, paste are the magic three actions. Adam said if you create something, you control everything. People are constantly looking for something to consume, share, make their life easier. In return for providing them with something, you get more attention and publicity. 
  • When Kevin Ware got that horrendous injury this past year, my friend Angela put two pictures together, tweeted it and got 50 retweets. Many of those retweets were from people she didn’t know. She simply created something when people were searching for more. She created in context and reaped the benefits of it.

4. Remember the purpose.

  • Whatever motivates you, keep sight of that. Don’t let outcomes, responses, followers, change the meaning behind your actions. Do what you want to do and stop when you want to stop.

5. Know your voice.

  • AKA be yourself. When you convey yourself on social media, you are creating content that no one else can. Everyone is unique and should use that to their advantage. Always find the same ole thing when searching on the Internet? Put your own opinions out there! When you use your voice in your posts, people can’t help but listen.

Here are the links to Adam Lefkoe’s three themed sportscasts thus far. Tune into WHAS11 on Sunday evenings to see him live in action!




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